2014-08-28 General Meeting Minutes

PTO General Meeting

Thursday 8/28/2014, 6:30 pm

I. Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm

II. Welcome – Kim Anderson, PTO Board President, provided introductions of our 2014-2015 PTO Board.  

III. Budget-  A look back at our previous year:  We raised 35K.  Our major purchases included 501 © 3, United Streaming, Learning A-Z, Playground — to be installed this year, and Teacher Supplies. A look into this year:  Our goal is to raise 40K! We are still negotiating this year’s campus beautification project.  Ideas brought up have been additional shade structtures, slab roller for art, ground covering, kindergarten playground and bike racks on kinder side.  

IV. Fundraising Events-  This year’s PTO events include Believe fundraiser, PRCA Garage Sale, Restaurant Nights, Kona Ice, and Spirit Wear.  

V. Q & A – A question was raised on how to create a more engaging library.  HUSD celebration announcement:  9/27/14 at 6:00pm at HHS.  

VI. Guest Speaker-  Crystal Reidy, a Community Relation’s Officer with Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, provided a slideshow and discussion on internet safety.      VII. Meeting Adjourned at 7:29 pm.  Motion to dismiss.  Motion was seconded.